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The Clean-n-Green Lawn Program consists of specifically designed and seasonally scheduled lawn applications. Your highly skilled lawn care specialist is trained to recognize and treat a variety of disease, insect and maintenance problems:

Expert Landscape Care Programs


Bermuda / Zoysiagrass Schedule

·         #1) Early Spring…Pre-emergence weed control application to control crabgrass. Post-emergence weed control of broadleaf                      weeds including wild garlic, dandelions and henbit. Application of nitrogen fertilizer.


·         #2) Spring…Application of a balanced fertilizer of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash. Post-emergence control for broadleaf                           weeds.


·         #3) Early Summer…Application of balanced fertilizer and weed control for crabgrass and dallisgrass as needed.


·         #4) Mid Summer…Application of balanced fertilizer and weed control for crabgrass and dallisgrass as needed.


·         #5) Late Summer…Application of balanced fertilizer and weed control for crabgrass and dallisgrass as needed.


·         #6) Fall…Pre-emergence application to control winter annual weeds including Poa Annua, henbit and chickweed. Post-                              emergence weed control of broadleaf weeds including wild garlic, dandelions and dock. Application of potash fertilizer.


·         #7) Late Fall/Winter…Application of Dolomitic lime to regulate pH in the soil. Spot spray weeds as needed.




Tree and Shrub Care:


·         #2)January - March...Dormant Oil with an insecticide to control scale and over-wintering pests


·         #1) February - May...Spring Feeding of a balanced fertilizer with micronutrients to help plants recover faster from winter stress                  and take full advantage of the spring growing season.


·         #3) March – May…Spring Insect and Disease Control to provide protection against invading summer pests and diseases,                            inspection and insecticide/fungicide treatment as needed


·         #4) June - July...Summer Insect and Disease Control to provide protection against invading summer pests and diseases,                              inspection and insecticide/fungicide treatment as needed


·         #5) August - September...Late Summer Insect and Disease Control to minimize damage cause by summer and fall pests,                            inspection and insecticide/fungicide treatment as needed


·         #6) October - November... Dormant Oil with an insecticide to control scale and over-wintering pests


·         #7) October - November...Fall Feeding of balanced fertilizer with micronutrients to help plants withstand winter stress.


·         Borer Applications:


·         Spring…Borer application of insecticide to trunks of trees and lower limbs that are susceptible to borers


·         Summer… Borer application of insecticide to trunks of trees and lower limbs that are susceptible to borers

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